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A big emphasis on climate change on Fairtrade Fortnight 2021.

Fairtrade Fortnight occurs during the same two weeks of the year, intertwining February and March. It helps to raise awareness of the Fairtrade Foundation and what it supports, highlighting the issues we still face in the world. Far too many coffee farmers, gold miners and fruit pickers and more are exploited and underpaid for the world they put in.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 is a little different to previous years, though. The last 12 months have seen the world drawn together in new ways due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. So, this year, that connection within our world is going to be explored further. The topic for 2021 is climate change and how we all have the power to make a difference.

Specifically, the foundation is looking at the effects of climate change on the farmers and workers in communities that Fairtrade supports.

But, first, here are some worrying statistics into climate change that we should all be paying attention to.

  • The global temperature has risen 2.1 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880.
  • Nineteen of the world’s warmest years in history have occurred since the year 2000!
  • Carbon Dioxide levels in the year are currently at their highest in 650,000 years.
  • Arctic ice is decreasing at an average of 13.1% per decade.
  • Satellite data shows that Earth’s polar ice are losing mass.
  • The sea level has risen 178mm over the past 100 years.

This is concerning for all of us. But what does this mean for the Fairtrade Foundation?

Choose the world you want this Fairtrade Fortnight.

The facts are straightforward. Farmers and workers in countries such as Kenya, Ethiopia and Honduras, who have done the least tocontributeto climate change, are most affected by it. The Fairtrade Foundation found that:

  • Climate change is one of their biggest challenges right now.
  • Low prices for their crops mean that they are struggling to fight back.
  • Only with more money will they feel equipped to meet their everyday needs and deal with the challenges they face from climate change.

The climate crisis is an immediate and ever-increasing threat and those in climate vulnerable countriesare already seeing its impacts from droughts and crop disease to floods, heatwavesand shrinking harvests.

With the emergence of the global COVID pandemic, the challenges that farmers face now are bigger than ever before with falling commodity prices and widespread shocks reverberating along our global supply chains. Ongoing poverty in farming communities makes it increasingly hard to cope with the effects of climate change.

Fight back against climate change.

The Fairtrade Foundation is fighting to get coffee farmers and workers’ voices heard.

More than ever, they need a fair price for their crops and their hard work.

Fairtrade prioritises what they need to respond to the environmental crises unfolding in already vulnerable communities. On Fairtrade Fortnight, the foundation is asking you to use your voice to tell others about the challenges that farmers face from climate change.

By choosing Fairtrade certified products, you are doing your bit.

Coinadrink Limited works closely with Fairtrade certified suppliers so you can enjoy a premium vending machine experience in the peace of mind that you’re doing your bit for those less fortunate around the globe.

There will be a blog post specifically on that shortly, so keep your eyes peeled.

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